Flying Aces Therapy Dog to the Rescue!


Meet Ren…

Ren before his costume

Ren before his costume

…an adorable Terrier-mix, who also just so happens to be a Go Team Therapy Dog.  One of the  “clients” he heals is an Alzheimer’s patient who was a WWII pilot.   Ren’s lady-servant, Crystal, reached out to me about a specialty Aviator dog costume she saw on the web.  That was mine!!!

What she was most excited for was that I make “custom-fit” costumes.   Because, what dog is really a typical size now a days?  Through some patient measuring on her end, as typically finding a costume to fit Ren was difficult with such a wide-barrel chest.    She sent me his specs and I started.

Realizing that my usual Aviator costume had an Aviator cap with simple goggles, and Ren had erect ears.   Which is a challenge as it would just look silly if I made holes for them to stick out of.    So, I designed a special pair of Goggles, or shall I say, “Dog Goggs (as Doggles™ is taken)!”    And “WALLA”,  our Flying Ace is ready to heal the world in Style!

Flying Ace

After Crystal received Ren’s costume, she was soo excited, she told her friend who has a ferret that may need “some thing” special, too.  Aside, she told me not to think some nut was contacting me, but a serious customer wanting to dress their serious pet.

As a designer of  pet costumes (who’d of thought?), I’m looking forward to the challenges and the smiles I will get as well as everyone else that cross these Angels’ paths.  After-all, pets are THE biggest form of therapy and healing.

Please visit my Hounds of Hell Boutique on Etsy for inquiries or orders until I get my website fully functional here.

Big Furry Hugs and Wet Kisses

Your Doggie Designer,


Kimberly Christine

MFA Film/Theatre Costume & Make-up artist who went Dogue! I also am a Certified Small Animal Massage Therapist.

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