Hello friends and family of all pets,
I have a few updates (Good & Bad) to my shop. Sadly, I will no longer be creating custom-costumes during the Summer & Fall. I apologize as Weddings & Halloween season falls into that- worst timing ever. I work 2 other local seasonal jobs and sometimes need to breathe. In Winter I will open it up as time becomes more free for me. So, what I have available now in the listings, is It.
What I DO plan on doing in the Summer & Fall, is creating “One-Offs”, a unique design and only in that size. It would be like buying a piece of artwork or odd antique; rare and unlike the others. Kind of what I have available now 🙂 Plus, I started making unique Pet Crate Covers and fun Post-Op Neck Cones (soon), which are easier during my busy season, as are most accessories.
~ My next design will be a Vampire cape for a cat 🙂 The only live model I really have. Hmmm… something just may come of that, if my Beanie is receptive to it.
I can already tell you he’s probably going to hate it. Because when I first adopted him I couldn’t even put a collar on him he itched the hell out of it. At least I have a cat-sized, dog mannequin.
Thank you for understanding,
I’m still here, just slightly off 🙂
~Kimberly Christine