Rainbow Wedding Dog Top Hat

Summer is almost upon us, and as promised (after an almost 2 year delay!) I’ve started designing wedding costumes and accessories.  First off-All apologies, as I’ve really been trying to maintain my website. But, glitches kept getting in the way and the time to update it was never in my favor, esp going back to school FT.   Then trying to find work with my new profession as Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Small Animal Massage Therapist in a small Arizona town (that decreases to half the population in the summer) has been a huge bust.  But, I’m sucking it up until my lease is over in Jan 2018, and I can start planning to be settled in the town of my dreams.

I had kept my listings going on Etsy, but nothing really new or exciting to rave about.  Until… I kicked myself in the ass last week and made the time to really sit down and fix things on my official website. So, I’m focusing on wedding attire for dogs as they are becoming a big part of wedding ceremonies.  Keeping the main theme of my website in Steampunk, Goth, and Rocker, I felt I needed to Glam it up a bit as well as creating some Classic Designs. I have so many cool textiles and prints yet to build and list, so please contact me if you are looking for something special. I’ll try to post here when I release some new items.

*If you’d like any customization with a theme, colors or extra adornments (feathers, bows, flowers…) Contact Me when you place the order and I’ll try my best to accommodate you! Extra fees will apply and a separate invoice will be sent via Square for the remaining balance.  The time required for me to create these magical costumes is very tedious as everything is Hand-Made by me.  Never using hot glue or cheap materials as the main source of costume structure. I often shop in L.A.’s textile district for some really unique and rare prints.

*Note-the matching of any colors in your bridal party may be slightly off from what I find to use.

Currently, I am designing a special tuxedo, a female dress and Steampunk designs are in the making as well.


As a “Healing Artist” with an MFA in Costume Design, I feel my Artistic journey does connect the nature of physical healing along with (visually) emotional healing.   How often do you smile when you see a dog in a super cute costume? And making these costumes is equally therapeutic for myself as well.

I do consider myself a Mystic-practicing my Craft as; an Alchemist (making something of little value into something of great value) a Sorcerer as I work with Energy as a Reiki Master along with Massage, and Apothecary as I create herbal remedies and love to cook up food and Ayurvedic recipes and tinctures. I love Lore, Mother Nature, Dancing, spooking others and laughing most of all!

I do run several websites that branch out from those topics above.  Visit my personal website www.KimberlyChristine.com  to see where my journey has taken me so far!


I hope to be a part of you or your pets life as Healer or Artist in the smallest way possible.



Birds of a Feather…






Kimberly Christine

MFA Film/Theatre Costume & Make-up artist who went Dogue! I also am a Certified Small Animal Massage Therapist.

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